Friday, December 11, 2009

Tracking with Jasmine

Tracking sure is fun.  I took Jasmine tracking this morning.  Jasmine is my 4 year old German Shepherd.  We have recently started a new tracking training program.  It has been pretty intense for the first couple of weeks.  I had to lay nine tracks a day for six days the first two weeks.  I am glad that I am done with that.

I have really enjoyed our time out on the tracking fields.  It is just me and her.  She has really responded well to this training system.  I basically let her figure out where the track is.  Of course I have to play the role of guiding her when there are challenges and my favorite part laying the tracks.  Actually, laying the tracks is the hardest thing to do.  I think I walked a total of eight miles laying some tracks the other day.  I also need to get a new tracking leash.  The one I currently own is nylon and it burns my hands.  Ouch!

Well let me know about your tracking adventures!



  1. Hey Al!! Looking forward to reading more.... But for the sake of some of us on the outside of the world of what you do, could you explain what this stuff is?? My first question: What is tracking?

    Thanks again for tackling a blog!! This is going to be fun!!

  2. Hey Kevin! Thanks for reading my blog. Well tracking simply put is having a dog follow a smell along the ground. When I go tracking I have a predetermined path that I am going to walk. I simply walk this path without my dog. Now at some point in the future, maybe a few minutes or several hours later, the dog is brought to a starting area. From there is allowed to smell the start and if he is trained properly will begin to move out in the direction of the smell.

  3. Hi Al,
    Prada and I are home......yeah! I wanted to share my description about tracking my girl, Prada. It is personal, it is intimate and no one else matters in this world, but her and I. It allows a closeness with your dog. It teaches you to trust your beloved canine and she / he will earn your respect. It is the most beautiful relationship you and your dog can have. :)

  4. I think my Jael really likes tracking... well, yeah... all of our tracking training includes weenies! She pulls hard on the line. I like the strong pull. It makes me feel her confidence in what she is doing.


If you have a story you would like to share about your training adventures let us know.