Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Great dog food

I have run the gambit of dog foods with Jasmine since I got her six years ago.  I first started with foods loaded with grains and corn and a ton of food colorings. Then buying food that had a picture of a German Shepherd Dog on their bag.  Finally discovering something that has really been great for her.

I will admit that this food is the right food for her but may not be exactly what works for your dog.  So the food that best suites Jasmine is Wellness Core.  There are several things I enjoy about the food.  The first several ingredients are actually meat.  Note some by product, real meat.  Then the fat is not some mysterious "animal fat" but actually fish and chicken fat.  When I think about fat for the dogs, I try to remember that my dogs are like athletes and need a great source of fat to keep them working hard.  Then they have probiotics and antioxidants.  I want my dogs digestive system to work well and want its immune system fighting stress.

If you are looking for a great dog food, try searching for something with actual meat at the top of the list, a good source of fat and carbs, and finally some probiotics and antioxidants.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard really good things about Wellness Core. My parents were having trouble with their cat and her having irregular BM's and generally real loose stool. I didn't know much about cat's and cat nutrition but knew, just as with dogs, the stuff at the grocery store is generally not the best. (which is what they were feeding her) After doing research I suggested Wellness Core cat formula to them and she's doing so much better!

    As for dogs... I have my dog on Acana Wild Prairie and have gotten fantastic results from it. I prefer grain free and in the past had him on a couple of different grain free brands but he's been doing fantastic on Acana. Small, compact stools, healthier coat, energy level is great, etc. He also LOVES it which is a plus. Other brands he would stare at pick at. He sees me opening the dog food container and can't wait to eat!

    I really like referring to this website if I have any questions as to what type of quality a dog food is and what ingredients are in it. It's a great resource!


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